Bikaner Computers

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On Saturday, August 28, 2010 0 comments

You can fix the problem using 'open
with' virus fix shown in below it and execute.restart
your PC

Newfolder.exe virus Fix:

Regsvr Fix Tools:

Openwith &Autoplay Fix:

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1) Start - Run - Regedit
Navigate to the following Registry key:
HKEY CURRENT USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Double click on the AutoEndTasks entry and replace the 0 with a 1 in the Value data text box

For the next two, if the dword value indicated does not exist, create it:

Double click on the WaitToKillAppTimeout entry in the right pane and change the Value data to 2000

Double click on the HungAppTimeout entry in the right pane and change the Value data to 1000


If still having a problem, make the next change:

2) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control
Right-click on WaitToKillServiceTimeout and change it to 2000

NOTE: The lowest value Windows will recognize is 1000 (1 second)

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If your computer takes a long time to become useable after starting up or logging on, or you want a clean boot of Winodws xp try this,

Click Start > Run > Type "msconfig" > On the Startup tab click Disable Alland on the Services tab check the Hide All Microsoft Service box and then click Disable All. Click Restart and win xp will restart with only the system services and applications running resulting in a vey fast logon / startup.

N.B This tweak will disable all non-system startup sevices and applications so if you have anything you want to run in the background such as anti virus software do not disable that item.

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It is possible to disable xp splash screen, which will slightly speed up the overall boot process. Be aware that removing the splash screen will also cause you not to see any boot-up messages that might come up (chkdsk, convert ... ), but if your system runs without any problems then it should not matter.

1. Edit boot.ini
2. Add " /noguiboot" right after "/fastdetect".

(or check the /noguiboot switch in msconfig on the boot.ini tab)

Upon restarting, the splash screen will be gone. It can be re-enabled by removing the new switch.

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To convert your drive or partition from fat32 to ntfs, type the following at Start - Run (assuming it's drive c:):


If you are asked if you want to dismount the drive, you must answer yes.

Alternatively, you can use a utility such as Partition Magic

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Using Registry Editor:


DWORD = AutoReboot

0 = Auto Restart Disabled

1 = Auto Restart Enabled

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1. Open System Properties.

2. Click the Advanced tab.

3. Click the "Error Reporting" button.

4. Select "Disable Error Reporting"